"The Women follows the lives of Manhattan women, focusing in particular on Mary Haines the cheerful, contented wife of Stephen and mother of Little Mary. After a bit of gossip flies around the salon these wealthy women visit, Mary's cousin Sylvia Fowler learns from a manicurist that Mary's husband has been having an affair with a predatory perfume counter girl named Crystal Allen . A notorious gossip, Sylvia delights in sharing the news with Mary's friends; she sets up Mary with an appointment with the same manicurist so that she hears the rumor about Stephen's infidelity." (via Wikipedia)
The movie is shot in black and white except for the fasion show scene which is set in technicolor. I really enjoyed this scene and the gorgeous and sometimes outrageous dresses and fashions it featured.
(I am not sure what's up with the song featured in this video, but it was the only clip I could find that showed the fashion show)
I found the ending a bit ridiculous. It all wrapped up a little too neatly and quickly in my opinion. However, all in all it was an interesting glimpse into the lives of upper class women of that time and I certainly enjoyed that.
Stay tuned for...
Pillow Talk, starring Rock Hudson & Doris Day
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